Best Plugins to Showcase Portfolio Gallery on WordPress Websites

Singapore WordPress developer

Today, I wanted to display my website development portfolio on my “WordPress Web Developer Singapore” page. So, I experimented with great plugins to show portfolio sliders within posts or pages.

# Portfolio Slideshow


This is the first plugin I tried for showcasing my web development portfolio. It’s quite an excellent plugin. It allows the slider to be displayed in any part of the page/post using a short code [portfolio_slideshow]. You must upload the portfolio images on the post/page when using this plugin.

I spent a few minutes before I realized that the option is with every page/post and not in the plugin interface itself. Usually, the slider plugins provide an option to create multiple sets of galleries and their respective shortcodes, but when you use this plugin, you have to upload the slides/images to each post.

Alternatively, this plugin can automatically add the images used in any specific post/page so that you don’t need to upload them again; however, you can remove them and re-upload other photos. In other words, this plugin lets you define and use the portfolio slider for each page separately.

This is how it looked when I added two portfolio images from my web development portfolio. According to my website theme, I have used this plugin on my WordPress Developer Singapore page because it looks simple yet cool.

You may download this plugin from the page


# Portfolio Gallery


This plugin allows you to add multiple projects for each portfolio set and thumbnail images under each portfolio. This plugin is good for interior decoration or product-based businesses where your customers expect to see your products or services in various dimensions. However, the disappointing part is that most of the great features of this plugin are available for use only when you pay for them. Their paid package starts from $40 (as of Nov 2015) and goes up to $100.

# Responsive Portfolio Gallery

This plugin enables you to add multiple galleries and call them in any post/page through their shortcodes. This is pretty much the same as the Portfolio Gallery plugin, but the difference is that you can’t add multiple thumbnails for each project snapshot under the galleries.

You may download this plugin from the page

# Awesome Filterable Portfolio


As the name suggests, this plugin allows you to assign categories to each portfolio image and let the users filter the gallery according to those categories. For example, if you are a web designer and want to add categories like CMS, eCommerce, and so on, you can do that very quickly. Since this plugin is free, it’s beneficial for webmasters who want to showcase many portfolio images under each category.

You may download this plugin from the page

# Portfolio


Another simple plugin for displaying a portfolio gallery on your WordPress website. This plugin lets you add portfolio images, descriptions, dates, URLs & meta titles. An excellent plugin to show portfolios in a grid format so that your users can click any of the portfolio images and view their details.

You may download this plugin from the page