9 Major benefits of using Firebase for mobile apps development

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Developing a mobile application can take a lot of time and money however there are several ways in which you can reduce your app development cost

Using Firebase is one of the best ways to build an affordable mobile application. It takes away a lot of work from the shoulders of your app developers and as a result, your app development takes lesser time to build and you can save money.

firebase mobile application development singapore

What exactly is Firebase?

Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. It also helps you to improve the performance of your mobile app and grow your app.

To sum up, Firebase is Google’s mobile application development platform that helps you build, improve, and grow your app.

In this blog post, I’ve shared 9 benefits of using Firebase for your mobile application development.

Let’s get started.

#1 Real-time database

Enabling the app developers to use Firebase for providing a real-time database was the primary objective of building this platform. 

When you leverage Firebase, you don’t need to use any standalone database. Firebase takes care of all the database needs for you.

So, getting a real-time database is the most important and beneficial feature that you get when you integrate your mobile app with Firebase. 

#2 Authentication

Do you want your users to signup and login for using your app? If yes, Firebase can be a one-stop solution for you. 

Firebase Authentication gives simple-to-use SDKs and instant UI libraries that support authentication using a combination of passwords & email IDs or passwords & usernames.

#3 Testing

The “Test Lab” section of Firebase enables you to test your app for all the gadgets. Basically, it helps you to find & identify the issue that your mobile app may have for particular gadget configurations.

It will show you the test results such as logs, videos, and screenshots which will be available in your project in the Firebase console.

How does Test Lab work?
Test Lab uses real, production devices that are running in a Google data center to test your app. It allows you to road-test your mobile application for the hardware & configurations that it’ll encounter in real-world use.

#4 Storage

If you need your targeted users to upload the pictures or documents using your mobile app, you may have to arrange for a robust & reliable storage system where all the files & documents can be stored. 

But when your mobile app developer leverage Firebase, you don’t have to worry about the storage. Firebase provides secure document transfers and downloads for your mobile application.

So, you can utilize it to store media files such as pictures, sounds, or videos, that will be uploaded by your app users. 

Most importantly, Firebase Storage is associated with Google Cloud Storage which we already know for a robust yet cost-effective storage service.

#5 Hosting

Whether you need a website or web services to facilitate your mobile application, you will definitely need hosting services. 

Firebase also provides hosting features for you to accommodate the files or folders that you may need to run your app efficiently. For the database, we have already mentioned that Firebase comes with a real-time database feature as well. 

To cut short, you don’t have to worry about the hosting when you leverage Firebase. 

#6 Cloud messaging

Sending messages to all types of user-roles on your mobile app can be an integral part of your business process. Using SMS services may cost you depending upon the volume of messaging that you need which may vary every month. 

But here’s is a solution for you. 

Firebase also provides cloud message services that you can utilize to send out messages to the users without paying any additional charges. 

#7 Notifications

Firebase also offers free services for you to use and integrate notifications with your mobile app. 

If you want your users to receive instant notifications for each action that they take on your app, you can use these services. You can also leverage push notifications to enhance your marketing activities. 

The best part is that Firebase makes it easier for your app developer to integrate the notification feature with your application. 

Recommended post: 8 Reasons to use push notifications with your mobile application

#8 Crash reporting

For me, this is perhaps one of the important features that you get when your mobile app developer integrates Firebase with your application. Firebase comes with a “Crash Reporting” section that shows you the statistics related to the crashing of your app. 

In other words, Firebase provides you with useful insights on how many times your app got crashed. It’s super useful for you to view the crash reports and hire an app developer to fix those issues if required.  

#9 Adwords

If you already use Google Ads for advertising your services or products, Firebase can even further help you to advertise effectively. 

You can manage custom audiences for your mobile app using Firebase and advertise your services or products to those categories of audience. 

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