7 FAQ Before Starting Any ECommerce Business & Selling Online

faq ecommerce web development singapore

If you have been looking for a web developer to build your eCommerce website, you may have a few questions for your web developer before you could hire him/her to develop your website. 

This blog post will help you to understand some of the basic yet important questions that you may have or would like to ask your developer. 

faq ecommerce web development singapore

Today, I am going to share some of the most common & frequently asked questions raised by my prospects who wish to set up their ecommerce businesses & express their interest in developing an ecommerce website and selling online.

#1 What's The Cost Of An Ecommerce Website?

This is the most important question that’s being asked by our prospects – “How much does it cost to develop an eCommerce website?”

Although there are several factors that determine the cost of an eCommerce website development, we do offer 2 eCommerce packages. Our basic eCommerce package costs $2800 while our advanced package costs $5000.

You may view the details of our eCommerce web design packages.

Also, you can read my blog on eCommerce website costing which will help you to understand the various factors that determine the cost to develop an eCommerce website.

#2 What Information Do You (Web Developer) Need To Start?

The answer to this question is that whatever information you can provide to us while starting the work on your eCommerce store development, it’s good for us. The more information you can provide to us, the better it is.

However, if you don’t have enough information and you still like to proceed with the website development, that’s perfectly fine either. As we make progress on your eCommerce website development, you can start sending us the information in pieces.

#3 How Much Time Will Website Development Take?

Again the timeframe to build an eCommerce website depends on the complexity involved.

A simple and basic eCommerce website can be completed in 3 weeks (using an open-source CMS like WordPress) however an advanced/comprehensive eCommerce website may take longer depending upon the features.

#4 What About Web Hosting & Domain Registration?

This is another frequently asked question “who will register the domain & web hosting and how much it will cost?”.

In our case, we let clients decide whether they want to register their domain and web hosting on their own (of course we guide them on the process) or they would like us to do all of these formalities.

Talking about the cost of a web hosting package and domain registration, you can easily get a domain between $20 to $60 per annum depending upon the kind of domain you want (.com, .com.sg, or .sg).

A basic web hosting package may cost you as low as $100 per annum and can go higher according to the specifications that your web developer has suggested.

#5 Will You Train Us?

80% of my prospects would ask me “Will you help us to learn website management?” or “will you be providing us with the training after the project completion?”. Yes, we do.

I often notice while discussing the project requirements with my prospects that they start thinking of website management as a difficult job. But that’s not true at all.

Website management becomes even easier when we train our clients. You don’t need any technical skills to manage your website using a CMS like WordPress.


#6 What Will Be The Payment Terms Like?

This is quite obvious after knowing the website development cost, our prospects would ask “how do I/we need to pay?”.

As prevailing in the current web industry, we also accept payments in 2 parts. 50% upfront to get the work started and the remaining 50% upon website completion.

#7 How You Take Care Of Security?

Both webmasters and web developers are more concerned than ever about the security of their websites.

I am being asked by my prospects quite frequently “how you will ensure that my website is secured?”.

This is quite an important as well as a must question that should be asked by any webmaster to their web developers.

In our case, we do follow necessary security norms while developing an eCommerce website. Especially, while developing an eCommerce website using WordPress, we do follow a fixed checklist prepared by us.

You may like to read one of my previous blogs “10 Ways To Secure Your WordPress Website From Hackers & Malicious Codes” and learn about these security checkpoints.