5 Important Elements Of A WordPress Website Maintenance Quotation

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We all know how important it is to maintain a website. Even if your website has been built using an open source like WordPress CMS, you must ensure that you maintain your website regularly.

If you can’t find time to do the website maintenance yourself, you must consider hiring a WordPress developer who can help you to update & upgrade your website every month.

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If you’re still not convinced of the importance of a website’s maintenance, here are some critical consequences that may occur because of non-maintenance of your website:

a. Virus Infection

b. Hacking of Website

c. Display issues in the latest version of browsers

d. Functional issues in some browsers

e. Broken links

f. Slow website loading

g. Deteriorated SEO rankings

The above-mentioned reasons must be alone sufficient to start maintaining your website regularly.

But before you hire a web developer to maintain your website, you must ensure that his/her website maintenance quotation covers all of the major elements.

In this blog post, I will share 5 important elements which you must check before you hire a WordPress developer.

#1 Website Updates

The website maintenance contract must clearly specify the number of hours that your web developer will be putting on your website to update the contents, images, or products on your website.

These updates may also include the replacement or addition of graphics on your website.

Ideally, your hired web development provider must specify the number of hours that they will be utilizing every month to update your website.

#2 Routine Check On Your Website

Other than the website update, regular testing of a website is also very important.

Your website developer must check and ensure that your website loads well on the latest version of all the major browsers. The functionality of the website must also be checked on different browsers and smart devices to ensure that the users are not experiencing any functional or visual discrepancies.

#3 Security Measures

There are a few things to perform security measures on a website:

a. All the passwords like FTP, admin, and control panel must be changed frequently and they must be highly secured & hard to guess.

b. There must be no malicious codes on the website. There are several tools like sucuri.net to check whether your website has been infected with such codes or not.

c. All the plugins & themes must be updated regularly to their latest versions.

d. The conventional URLs like ‘wp-admin’ must be customized and made hard to guess.

Do make sure that your website maintenance agreement has all of the above security measures mentioned clearly.

#4 Turnaround Time

You must also ensure that your web developer must fix the issues or update your website within a reasonable timeframe, depending upon the nature of urgency.

For eg. all the critical errors (like website downtime) must be addressed within 12 hours of reporting, all the moderate level of issues (like broken links, etc., non-functional pages or forms) must be fixed within 24 hours while all the website updates (like adding of a new page, editing of existing contents) can be done in 48-72 hours.

This seems quite obvious and reasonable but sometimes it becomes a matter of dispute with some web developers. Therefore, do ensure that turnaround time slabs must be clearly stated in your website maintenance contract.

#5 Website Backups

No matter how well your website is being maintained or has been made secure, there could still be some unforeseen issues on the server because of which the website may stop performing as usual. 

The best way to avoid this kind of situation is to keep the latest backup copy of your website with you or your web developer so that it can be reinstated when required.

Therefore, do make sure that your website maintenance proposal has a clause to back up your website regularly. Ideally, a website must be backed-up after many any single update in the database or the files.

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