4 Types Of Websites You Can Develop Using WordPress

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Yesterday, during our conversation, one of my prospects was asking about the ability of WordPress CMS to build eCommerce websites and other web applications. I did explain to her the possibilities that WordPress can easily deliver and I also shared some of the websites that we developed using WordPress.

I must say, she was quite impressed with WordPress & agreed to build her eCommerce store using WordPress.

wordpress ecommerce website development singapore

This morning, a thought came to my mind that there may be several people who are still hesitant or doubtful about choosing WordPress for their websites, so I decided to write a blog post and share what kind of websites can be developed using WordPress.

Firstly, let me tell you that WordPress is one of the most powerful and popular CMS available today. Every day more than 500 websites are being developed using WordPress worldwide.

What You Can Do With WordPress

#1 A Blog

Yes, WordPress was previously known for just creating a blog. No matter which CMS people choose to build their websites for blogging, most of us prefer using WordPress or WordPress-like blogs.

You can create a great blog using WordPress in less than 30 minutes. Not only this but WordPress blogs are loved by search engines which simply means that your blog will always have a higher chance to rank on the top pages of search engines.

#2 ECommerce Website Design

WordPress is no more “just a blogging platform”. It has become much more than that.

If you are a seller and want to set up an eCommerce store at an affordable price to sell your products online, choose WordPress.

WordPress can help you to build a comprehensive eCommerce website for your business quickly and cost-effectively. There are hundreds of great plugins which you can integrate with your WordPress website and grow your sales.

WooCommerce, the most popular WordPress plugin, can be used with any WordPress website or blog to convert a simple website to an eCommerce store.

#3 Corporate Website Design

Most of the small businesses, especially startups, prefer WordPress to build their company website.

Why WordPress is #1 choice for all the startups?

a. WordPress is free to use

b. A professional corporate website can be developed using WordPress in just few days.

c. WordPress websites are easily scalable. With the growing requirements of business, you can update your website too.

d. WordPress developers are easily available and that too, at affordable charges.

#4 Portfolio Website Design

If you are an artist, developer, professional or any public figure and you want to showcase your portfolio on your website, a WordPress website is there to help you.

There are several great WordPress plugins that can be incorporated with any WordPress website in order to display a gallery or a slide show having of your past works.

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