Social Media Marketing is a hot topic of discussion in every business strategy meeting in most companies today why not, after all this medium is more effective and can be explored on an affordable budget as compared to the traditional mediums of marketing.
The traditional ways of doing marketing like Television, Radio, and Print Media cost a lot and at the same time, the usage of these mediums is gradually becoming less by z-gen.
In this blog, I thought to share some basic tips/strategies for new business owners who have either planned to get started with social media marketing through their in-house team or trying to hire a social media marketing expert.
Be Visible
The first step in the process of social media marketing is to have your company’s account on various social networking websites like FaceBook, Twitter, etc. Once you have it done, start sharing the link with your targeted customers.
You can do this by mentioning your links on your business cards, flyers, website, email marketing, and so on. Get people to learn about your social media accounts so that they can follow your company’s social accounts and participate regularly.
BeĀ Adventurous
Don’t just talk about FaceBook and Twitter, instead explore horizons with other good networking sites like Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
The more you explore, the higher would be the outcome of your social media marketing efforts. You must manage your social accounts portfolio in such a way that you get diversified traffic from several sources on your website because you never know which traffic source (FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest) can bring quality traffic and get you a high ROI.
Be Human
I am sure that many of you must have heard about software & tools that can help you to post on your behalf at a scheduled time and date but don’t rely on such tools completely as the social networking industry is based on humanism and can get you desired results only if you follow its norms. So try to give a human touch to every post that you do and believe me you will be astonished to see the results.
Be Involved
Maintaining a regular posting schedule on social networking websites could likely get you a good amount of followers who will comment or reply to your posts. Just don’t leave them as they are, instead try to be prompt in replying to them.
Because your followers expect you to get involved in the conversation that you had initiated yourself and if you don’t do so, they will lose interest in your social page and will never participate again thereby leaving your social page a one-way communication source.
Be Consistent
A pre-requisite to achieve success in anything you do is to be regular and maintain consistency and so is the case with social media marketing. Most business owners would try to evaluate the results of the cost & time that they have put into social media marketing campaigns in a very short period and they usually forget that social media is a long-run process and it is imperative to work consistently on it otherwise there would be no results from these activities.
Why? It’s very simple would you like to purchase products from a company who don’t run its advertisements on Television or Radio anymore? I know your answer would be ‘No’ because the company or business that has zero visibility is considered out of the industry and no one would like to deal with them.
Social media marketing can do wonders for your business provided you follow a well-defined strategy for the same and follow it consistently. I will come back with more tips to utilize social media for your business growth.