Hummingbird is the largest update made by Google to its search algorithm since 2001. Several webmasters and search engine optimizers have taken it wrongly and in a negative manner however, it’s not really bad at all. If you care to have high-quality content on your website and still chasing relevant and quality links for your website, your website is not going to lose its position at all.
It is very important to understand the objectives of Google behind these regular updates and if we are really able to understand them well, I am sure we must not worry about any updates. After all, Google is trying to have filtered and relevant search for its users and therefore it tries to eliminate the websites which are not relevant to its users.
We’ve also experienced badly many times in the past that when we are trying to search for a specific thing and we get lots of irrelevant websites in front of us. But now when you try to search for anything and when you see the search results, you are amazed at the intelligent technology of Google and its search algorithm.
So, if your website rankings have been affected recently, do care to update your website with high-quality and original content. Also start having quality and relevant links from reliable sources and you will see the results. You can also hire an SEO consultant who can help you to get out of the effects of the Hummingbird update.
If you have noticed any website which is affected by Hummingbird, do share with me at [email protected]