Common terms in web analytics

Web analytics has made it pretty simple to calculate the return on investment (ROI) of any online marketing activity of your website. Be it search engine optimization, search engine marketing, or social media marketing, web analytics statistics can help you measure the return on each marketing dollar.


In this blog, I am going to share some of the common terms of web analytics that every webmaster and online marketer should know.


Each time a user loads a webpage of your website on their browser, it is counted as a pageview.

Unique Pageview

A unique pageview is similar to that of a page view which is the only difference it counts one pageview once per visitor.


A session is started when the user lands on your website and it ended when the user leaves your website. So, if the same user visits your website again, it is counted as a new session.

Bounce Rate

When a user visits your landing page and quits your website without visiting other pages of the website, it is considered a bounce. The overall percentage of visitors who bounce is known as the bounce rate. Many SEO experts debate on an ideal bounce rate however I have experienced in my career as an SEO consultant that any website which has more than 65% bounce rate should be considered a high bounce rate and that website must be checked for its content, loading speed or other elements which could be held responsible for higher bounce rate.

Conversion Rate

It is very common for every online marketer or SEO specialist to define a specific action on the website as a conversion. These actions could be in the form of form submission, file download, phone calls, or completing a purchase on the website. A web analytics program can show you the conversion rate and cost per conversion on your website by using some special scripts on the desired pages. These scripts can be obtained easily from the web analytics tool when you define a conversion event and value.


A goal is pretty similar to conversion which you can define additionally with the conversion rate. A goal could be in the form of a file download, making a purchase, or submitting a form. A goal could be helpful when you don’t want to define the cost of each event and when you need to know the total number of events that happened as a goal achievement.