7 Best Practices For A Mobile App Developer To Follow For Signup Process

signup form mobile application development singapore

Among all the factors that are involved and responsible for the success of any mobile application, user-experience stays on the top. And when we talk about the user-experience, signup & login process plays an important role.

Therefore, every mobile app developer must take care & consider to keep the signup process of a mobile app as simpler as possible.

signup form mobile application development singapore

In this blog post, I am going to share 7 best practices that your app developer can follow in order to keep signup & login process of your app user-friendly.

Let’s get started.

#1 Keep it simple

The most important characteristic of any signup form must be its simplicity. The simpler a signup form, the higher will be the signup ratio and vice versa.

Keep the length of your signup form to a minimum.

While designing or implementing a signup form on the mobile application, your app developer must realise that it’s not the end result to let user signup. Instead, it’s the beginning of a new relationship with your users.

#2 Limit the number of input fields

I have personally experienced on several mobile apps that asked me a lot of information to signup. What’s even worst is that most of those information has nothing to do with my interaction with the app. As a result, I became reluctant to fill those signup forms.

Don’t let this happen to your users.

Encourage your app developer to display only those input fields that are really required for the usage of your application.

#3 Ask to signup or login at the right time

Have you been to any mobile app that would force you to signup or login while you were just reading some information there? I am sure you did.

As a rule of thumb, you must ensure that you ask your users to signup or login only when its required. 

For example, if the users want to explore advance features of your app or start interacting with other users, only then it makes sense for them to signup.

#4 Keep logged in

How frustrating it is when you are required to login on a mobile app each time you open it. It could be because of the short span of session’s expiry. 

While, it’s good for the security of your mobile application to take care of the session’s expiry, however at the same time it could be annoying for your users.

What’s the solution here.

You can provide your users with an option to stay logged-in so that they are not asked to login again and again.

#5 Integrate Social Login

Not all the users are same. Not everybody is open to register and share their details on any mobile application. 

But in order to let your users enjoy advanced feature of your mobile app, you need them to login. Therefore, you can request your mobile app developer to integrate social media login feature.

Social media login will help your users to login through their social accounts, without having any need to register with your app.

#6 Eliminate guess work for the users

While building a signup feature, your app developer must ensure to use appropriate and relevant labels for each of the form fields. These labels must be easy to understand for your users so that they don’t need to guess anymore.

#7 Split the form

If you do need to ask a lot of information from your users in order to signup, due to the nature of your business, you can always split the signup form in different parts.

Showing the whole form in one screen can irritate your users. Therefore, it does make sense for your app developer to split the forms and take through the users one by one.

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