5 Sources To Get Great Ideas For Your Mobile Application Development

mobile apps development ideas

Are you fantasised by the emerging market of mobile applications & thinking to develop an application for you too?

Perhaps, you have been planning to develop a mobile app for quite some time but not sure about the idea that can revolutionise the way things are done now

In this blog post, I will be sharing 5 sources for you to get ideas to develop a revolutionary mobile application.

#1 Current Popular Apps

This is perhaps the most simple (yet not easy) way to think about developing a mobile application. App stores such as Apple & Google Play have a list that feature all of their popular apps.

If you intend to create a mobile app, you can start by analyzing & following the strategies of other developers. If their apps are so popular, there must be a defined strategy that they have adopted in order to make their apps profitable. You can follow it too.

Its been said that if you follow what successful people do, you will become successful too. Same applies for mobile application development too. 

All you have to do is:

  • Find most popular mobile apps on various stores.
  • Analyze the flow & strategy of these apps’ developers.
  • Write them down in the same flow.
  • Engage a mobile app developer to build your application.

#2 Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool created by Google. As the name suggests, it helps you track the current trends on the internet. Google Trends can greatly help you, if you are not sure what’s in trend and what’s not.

One thing to note here is that when you find a concept that’s in trend today, you need to take an immediate action because the trends keep changing. In other words, you may find a topic or concept that’s trending today, but that doesn’t mean that it will be trendy forever.

#3 Friends & Family

You can also seek help from your family, friends or close colleagues

Although, not all of the ideas suggested by them may be helpful to you, but its still a good idea to listen to other people in order to get the idea machinery running in your mind.

In many cases, it has been found that the people behind a successful app is not the inventor himself, but his family or friends who helped planted the seed of crazy concepts in the inventor’s mind.

#4 Pain Points

Is there any pain point or frustration in your market?

Are there any loopholes in your industry that need to be fixed and haven’t been properly addressed yet?

Or do you think there are some problems in your work or life that can be resolved through a mobile app?

What are the things that irritate you most?

Start answering the above questions and I am sure that you will come up with at least 15 to 20 great ideas to develop a mobile app within your industry or community.

We all know that necessity is the mother of all inventions. 

#5 Your Own Master Mind

Almost all of us has a great idea to share with the world but unfortunately, we are not aware of it.

Therefore, in order to unleash the potential of our mind, we need to sit down and organize a brainstorming session with ourselves. 

Having said this, you can focus on all the ideas that are hidden inside your mind and write all of them on a piece of paper. These ideas don’t have to be super amazing. You can even write ideas that seems to be weird or stupid.

Once you have made a comprehensive list of all the ideas that you have, you can then think about improving them. 

This whole activity will help you to just focus on your crazy thoughts, without being worried of getting humiliated by other people. 

What Next?

If you have found a crazy idea that can be materialized into a mobile application, don’t wait!

Start finding mobile app developers or agencies who can help you to develop your first entrepreneurial application. 

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