5 Essential Features Of A HandyMan Mobile App To Have

handyman mobile app development in singapore

Fulfilling the “on-demand” services through mobile applications has become so profitable that almost every service provider is thinking about new ideas to develop their mobile app and make money.

handyman mobile app development in singapore

Such a similar service is providing a handyman “on-demand” to take care of misc jobs like

  • Carpentering
  • Plumbing
  • Electricals
  • Tiling
  • Cleaning
  • Controlling
  • … and more.

And yes, providing these services through a mobile app, can be a great business. But before you decide to hire a mobile app developer to build your application for handyman services, you must consider incorporating a few essential features.

In this blog post, I’ve shared 5 essential & useful features that every handyman mobile app must have.

Let’s start.


#1 Finding Nearby Handyman

When we think about mobile apps, convenience & smart work come to our minds. Isn’t it?

We expect utility mobile apps to make our lives easier by providing us with all that we want in our daily routines. So, when it comes to building a mobile app for providing an “on-demand” handyman or service provider, it’s mandatory to take care of the user’s convenience in finding the nearest handyman.

A user who needs a handyman to fix up any problem that he may be facing & searching for them through a mobile app, definitely need instant services. He may not like to wait for a handyman who will come after a few hours or the next day.

Therefore, providing a feature to find out a nearby handyman who can come almost instantly or in a few hours, should be the first and foremost feature of any handyman app. 

If an app doesn’t allow its users to find & book nearby handymen, it may fail in the long term.

#2 Payment Convenience

Users don’t want to get into the inconvenience of payment methods as well.

Providing different seamless payment methods is not optional, but mandatory for your app users as they can make payments according to their convenience. Additionally, the payment options must be faster and safer as well.

An app for handymen must accept all the major & prevailing payment methods such as:

  1. Credit Cards
  2. Debit Cards
  3. Mobile Payments
  4. COD (if applied)

Forcing the users to pay through payment methods they are not familiar & comfortable with, may result in fewer loyal customers and can also affect the branding of the company.

#3 Ratings & Reviews

Customers feel proud of themselves when they leave good ratings for any service provider or company. And by the same token, they feel heard when they are allowed to express their disappointments and leave bad ratings for any service provider who has not provided the expected services to them.

Therefore, a handyman mobile app must have the option for every member to leave the ratings for respective service providers upon job completion.

Ratings & Reviews are essential features not only for existing customers, but it’s useful for new users as well. 

They get to know about the quality of services they can expect from any service provider or handyman by reading the reviews from past customers.

#4 Instant Booking & Scheduling

Now, this is a feature that not all mobile applications have. Most of the apps have the feature to book a handyman instantly. 

What about the users who intend to book for a later date, due for any reason?

For instance, a user who wants to get some carpentry work to be done but not on the same day, and rather the following week because of his unavailability at home. We can’t expect this user to open the app next week and book again, for the same day.

Developing a mobile app that allows users to book now, in advance, or schedule it for later can save them from any inconvenience.

Therefore, a handyman mobile app must have an option for the users to book the handyman for the same day or schedule it for any later date


#5 Tracking Service Provider

Like any other smart mobile app like “Uber”, a handyman app must also have the option for the customers to track the service providers after they confirm the services. Tracking the handyman allows customers to know their exact location and an estimated time of their arrival.

The same must be the case for the handyman. Each handyman must be able to track the location of his respective customer in order to find their place conveniently and reach there on time.


Every mobile application idea possesses the ability to get more customer base & revenue for their companies but the key is to brainstorm on the ideas that need to be incorporated in order to get desired results. 

Before starting any mobile app development, you must consult with your app builder and make sure that you have not left any room for missing an essential feature.

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