Assuming that you have already subscribed for a web hosting and bought the domain name already, the below process will help you to build your own website in just few hours.
For this, you need to login to the cPanel of your hosting with the credentials provided by your web hosting company.
The login URL, username, and password will be sent to you by your hosting provider in their welcome email.
Once you are logged in, scroll down to the Software section, and you will see an icon/link “Softaculous Apps Installer” which you can click and proceed to install the WordPress website. Please note that this icon/link name may vary depending on the hosting provider but you should be able to identify it when you scroll through the Cpanel interface.
Once you click “Softaculous Apps Installer”, it will take you to the next screen where you will see the list of all the scripts/cms/platforms that your Cpanel provides (see the screen below). You need to select the WordPress option.
Move your mouse over the ‘WordPress’ icon, and an “Install” button will appear. Click the “Install” button and you will be taken to a screen like below. Here you need to click the “Install Now” button and proceed.
The next page will look like the one below where you will be required to fill in the information for ‘Software Setup’, ‘Site Settings’, ‘Admin Account’ and finally you can select the theme for your WordPress website. Let us discuss them one by one.
Software Setup
This block will ask you to fill in details like:
“Choose Protocol” which you need to make sure that http:// or https:// (if you have subscribed for an SSL certificate).
“Choose Domain” where you need to enter your website name or domain name like
“In Directory” where you will be required to enter the name of the directory where you want your WordPress website to be installed. By default, it shows ‘wp’ which means if you proceed with this option, your website will be deployed at You may like to leave this field blank so that your website is accessible at
Site Settings
“Site Name” – You may choose any name for now as you may change it later too.
“Site Description” – You may choose any description for now as you may change it later too.
Leave Enable Multisite (WPMU) unchecked.
Scroll further down and you will see the below options:
Admin Account
Here you will be required to set the username and password of the admin section for your WordPress website. By default, it will show the username as ‘admin’ and the password as ‘pass’. Do not leave them default as it will make it easier for hackers to break into your website. You must use a password that’s hard to crack. Perhaps you may have a combination of letters in uppercase, lowercase, special characters, and numbers.
The username and password combination entered here will be used to log in to your WordPress Dashboard, so make a note of them.
The “Admin email” box will set the admin email in your WordPress dashboard, and this will be used to notify you of events, like people leaving comments. This can be changed later.
Choose Language
By default, the language will be set to English, but change this if you need to.
Finally, you will be required to choose the theme, and some settings, and you are done.
Select Plugin(s): The WordPress installation on your control panel would show an option for you to install the “Limit Login Attempts” plugin which is very useful to protect your website from unauthorized or suspicious login attempts. This is another layer of protection against hackers.
Advanced Options: Click on “Advanced Options” will show you additional settings like the below:
Let’s dive into these options one by one.
a. Database Name: By default, the Database Name will be set to a random value. You can change this if you want to. Ideally, you must change it and name it in a way that is hard to guess anyone.
b. Table Prefix: Most of the WordPress installation scripts will use wp_ by default, but hackers know this, and you should avoid it. Choose something random.
c. Disable Update Notifications Emails: You may leave it checked.
d. Auto Upgrade: You may leave it checked too.
e. Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins: You may leave it unchecked.
f. Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes: You may leave it unchecked.
g. Backup Location: Leave it as default.
h. Automated Backups: Leave it ‘Don’t backup’ as you can install a nice backup plugin anytime later.
i. Backup Rotation: No need to use it.
After all of the above settings, you will see an option for you to choose a theme for your WordPress website. You may choose any theme which you like. Later you may buy a premium WordPress theme to give your website a professional look. Note that the themes can be changed for your website at a later stage. But here you may want to choose a theme that you find suitable for your basic website setup.
Finally, enter your email address at the bottom before clicking the install button. Your WordPress login details will be emailed to you at this address when WordPress has been installed.
OK, once the installation has finished, you’ll be shown something like this:
The first link will load your website (currently a skeleton site created by WordPress).
The second URL listed is the Administrative URL.
You can click that link to log in to the WordPress Dashboard for your site. The username and password are those that you used when filling in the Admin Details a few minutes ago.
Go and look at your website in a web browser by typing the domain URL into the address bar. You should see your WordPress site up and running. Of course, it won’t have any of your content yet and it does come pre-installed with a few web pages you’ll need to delete, but you should see the homepage displaying a “Hello World!” post.
Before we start learning how to configure the site, let’s just log in, and then log out again, so we know how.
You should have made a note of the login URL, but if not, just add /wp-admin to the end of the URL, e.g. You’ll be taken to the login screen like below:
You may log in with the same credentials that you had set up under step 5 and you will be logged in and ready to use the backend of your website.
Move your mouse over the top right where it says “Howdy Your name”. A menu will appear: Click the “Log Out” link. You’ll be logged out and taken back to the login screen.
Pat on your back, WordPress is installed and you know how to log in and out of the Dashboard.
Assuming that you have already subscribed for a web hosting and bought the domain name already, the below process will help you to build your own website in just few hours.
For this, you need to login to the cPanel of your hosting with the credentials provided by your web hosting company.
The login URL, username, and password will be sent to you by your hosting provider in their welcome email.
Once you are logged in, scroll down to the Software section, and you will see an icon/link “Softaculous Apps Installer” which you can click and proceed to install the WordPress website. Please note that this icon/link name may vary depending on the hosting provider but you should be able to identify it when you scroll through the cpanel interface.
Once you click “Softaculous Apps Installer”, it will take you to the next screen where you will see the list of all the scripts/cms/platforms that your cpanel provides (see the screen below). You need to select WordPress option.
Move your mouse over the ‘WordPress’ icon, and an “Install” button will appear. Click the “Install” button and you will be taken to a screen like below. Here you need to click “Install Now” button and proceed.
The next page will look like below where you will be required to fill the information for ‘Software Setup’, ‘Site Settings’, ‘Admin Account’ and finally you can select the theme for your WordPress website. Let us discuss them one by one.
Software Setup
This block will ask you to fill details like:
“Choose Protocol” which you need to make sure that http:// or https:// (if you have subscribed for SSL certificate).
“Choose Domain” where you need to enter your website name or domain name like
“In Directory” where you will be required to enter the name of the directory where you want your WordPress website to be installed. By default it shows ‘wp’ which means if you proceed with this option, your website will be deployed at You may like to leave this field blank so that your website is accessible on
Site Settings
“Site Name” – You may choose any name for now as you may change it later too.
“Site Description” – You may choose any description for now as you may change it later too.
Leave Enable Multisite (WPMU) unchecked.
Scroll further down and you will see the below options:
Admin Account
Here you will be required to set the username and password of the admin section for your WordPress website. By default it will show username as ‘admin’ and password as ‘pass’. Do not leave them default as it will make easier for the hackers to break into your website. You must use a password that’s hard to crack. Perhaps you may have a combination of letters in uppercase, lowercase, special characters and numbers.
The username and password combination entered here will be used to login to your WordPress Dashboard, so make a note of them.
The “Admin email” box will set the admin email in your WordPress dashboard, and this will be used to notify you of events, like people leaving comments. This can be changed later.
Choose Language
By default, the language will be set to English, but change this if you need to.
Finally, you will be required to choose the theme, some settings and you are done.
Select Plugin(s): The WordPress installation on your control panel would show an option for you to install “Limit Login Attempts” plugin which is very useful to protect your website from unauthorised or suspicious login attempts. This is another layer of protection against hackers.
Advanced Options: Click on “Advanced Options” will show you additional settings like below:
Let’s dive into these options one by one.
a. Database Name: By default, the Database Name will be set to a random value. You can change this if you want to. Ideally you must change it and name it in a way that its hard to guess for anyone.
b. Table Prefix: Most of the WordPress installation scripts will use wp_ by default, but hackers know this, and you should avoid it. Choose something random.
c. Disable Update Notifications Emails: You may leave it checked.
d. Auto Upgrade: You may leave it checked too.
e. Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins: You may leave it unchecked.
f. Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes: You may leave it unchecked.
g. Backup Location: Leave it as default.
h. Automated Backups: Leave it ‘Don’t backup’ as you can install a nice backup plugin anytime later.
i. Backup Rotation: No need to use it.
After all of the above settings, you will see an option for you to choose a theme for your WordPress website. You may choose any theme which you like. Later you may buy a premium WordPress theme to give your website a professional look. Note that the themes can be changed for your website at a later stage. But here you may want to choose a theme that you find suitable for your basic website setup.
Finally, enter your email address at the bottom before clicking the install button. Your WordPress login details will be emailed to you at this address when WordPress has been installed.
OK, once the installation has finished, you’ll be shown something like this:
The first link will load your website (currently a skeleton site created by WordPress).
The second URL listed is the Administrative URL.
You can click that link to log in to the WordPress Dashboard for your site. The username and password are those that you used when filling in the Admin Details a few minutes ago.
Go and look at your website in a web browser by typing the domain URL into the address bar. You should see your WordPress site up and running. Of course, it won’t have any of your content yet and it does come pre-installed with a few web pages you’ll need to delete, but you should see the homepage displaying a “Hello World!” post.
Before we start learning how to configure the site, let’s just log in, and then log out again, so we know how.
You should have made a note of the login URL, but if not, just add /wp-admin to the end of the URL, e.g. You’ll be taken to the login screen like below:
You may login with the same credentials that you had setup under step 5 and you will be logged in and ready to use the backend of your website.
Move your mouseover the top right where it says “Howdy Your name”. A menu will appear: Click the “Log Out” link. You’ll be logged out and taken back to the login screen.
Pat on your back, WordPress is installed and you know how to log in and out of the Dashboard.
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