6 Best Plugins to Make Your WordPress Website Secured

Wordpress security

With the growth of web technologies & web professionals, there has been a huge advancement in the field of spamming and hacking too. There could be an evil eye on your website so you must make sure that you take every possible precaution to safeguard your web pages from those eyes.

A WordPress website, on one hand, can make your lives easier; but at the same time, hackers can give you a nightmare if you don’t protect your WordPress website well.

Or in other words, learning WordPress and developing your website is quite easier, but you must also learn how to protect your website from spammers and hackers.


In this blog, we are going to share the 6 best plugins that you must install on your WordPress website to make it secure. Let’s start.

WP Security Scan

This plugin helps you to scan your WordPress website very easily and trace vulnerabilities in your site. Not only this, but the WP Security plugin would also offer useful tips on removing them.

Download this plugin from here

Stealth Login

This plugin adds an additional security measure to your login page. You will be required to set a pin code or authorization code which you will require to log in next time. So next time, you will be required to enter your username, password, and authorization code in order to enter your WordPress dashboard.

Download this plugin from here

Login Lockdown

If a hacker or spammer tries to crack your WordPress admin password and attempts more than a certain number of wrong tries, your admin login will be locked down for some time. This is certainly a helpful plugin to protect your website from evil eyes.

Download this plugin from here

Exploit Scanner

It is very likely that when newbies learn WordPress website development and try to incorporate new features on their website, they do hit-and-try with a lot of WordPress plugins which sometimes can be dangerous because you never know the security level of those plugins (after all some of those plugins could be from unknown sources). This practice may result in malicious code injections into the core files of your WordPress setup. In order to avoid such circumstances, it’s always advisable to use reliable scanners like ‘Exploit Scanner’ which can help you to scan all files and databases on your server and identify the files with malicious codes.

Download this plugin from here

Anti Virus

It’s one of the best plugins to keep your blog or website protected against viruses, malware, and bots.

Download this plugin from here

User Spam Remover

As the name suggests, this plugin helps you to remove spam messages from your WordPress blog or website. Not only it helps to remove spam messages, but this plugin also helps you to protect your website or blog against spammers.

Download this plugin from here