5 Tips For Shopping Cart Websites To Get More Sales

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For any shopping cart website (e-commerce website), the #1 sales killing factor is high order abandonment rate.

What’s order abandonment rate?

Well, order abandonment rate can be derived by dividing total number of added carts by number of incomplete orders.

For instance, if your website had 2000 added carts and only 1000 users completed their orders successfully. It means that 1000 users never bought from you. In this case, order abandonment rate will be 1000/2000*100=50%

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How can this abandonment rate be reduced so that an shopping cart website can get more sales?

This is a common question that most of the e-commerce business owners have been searching for.

In this blog post, I have shared 5 best practices to reduce high order abandonment rate and get more sales from your e-commerce website.

#1 Use “Add To Cart” Instead Of “Buy Now”

Personally speaking, I feel confused when I visit any shopping cart website that shows me “Buy Now” button with each product instead of “Add to Cart”.

This behaviour makes me feel 2 things:

A. The website is trying to sell me without caring enough about my interest to know more about the products.
B. The website doesn’t want me to browse more products.

Therefore, if you too run an e-commerce business, do ensure that your web developer has shown “Add to Cart” buttons instead of “Buy Now”, for all the products. 

This little change could help you to increase your e-commerce sales by more than 20%. So, its worth trying.

#2 Include More Payment Options

Studies have shown that when the users don’t find their preferred payment method on any e-commerce store, they tend to abandon their order

No matter how much they liked the product and how much interested they are to buy them, if they don’t find their preferred payment method, they won’t place their orders.

How to overcome this challenge.

You can simply ask your web designer to do some research and find out the most commonly used payment methods in your targeted area(s).

Increase your e-commerce sales by simply including maximum payment methods like PayPal, Cash On Delivery etc.

#3 Design Of Checkout Page

Regardless of the beauty of any shopping cart website, if its checkout page is cluttered, too confusing or out of design, this website will have higher order abandonment rate.

Checkout page of any e-commerce store is vital to its success. To a certain extent, a checkout page is the gateway to getting sales, from any shopping cart website.

Here are but some of the check-points to optimise checkout page of any website:

  • Keep the design simple.
  • Minimise the steps to checkout.
  • If at all, its required to collect too much information from the customers, the checkout page can be split in multiple steps.
  • All the necessary buttons like “Pay Now” or “Proceed” must be shown prominently.

Have a user-friendly checkout page will definitely help you to get more sales from your shopping cart website.

#4 Show “Continue Shopping” Button

There could be some cases when the customers are not done yet. They want to buy more but due to the lack of a “continue shopping” button, the buyers decide to checkout and pay for the added items only.

Its a very minor, yet important change to do on your shopping cart website, if you intend to get higher order values.

#5 Intuitive Messages

Have you been to any e-commerce website where you don’t see prominent messages or notifications when you perform any action like adding the products to your shopping cart or modify the order? I am sure your answer will be “Yes”.

Due to the lack of intuitive messages upon certain actions performed by the users on a shopping cart website, the users always wonder whether their desired action has been performed successful or not.

Also, its important for the website to show the users clear indication when the products are being added to their shopping cart, along with an option to “view cart” or “continue shopping”.

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