Creating an e-commerce website is not difficult these days. There are plenty of platforms available out there to setup & run an e-commerce store quickly & hassle-free.
But, its important to follow a checklist before launching any e-commerce website.
Do you know thousands of e-commerce websites are launched every week but not all of them get success.
Why is that so?
Simply because they lack sell-able features.
In this blog post, I will be sharing 4 important check points to follow & ensure that your e-commerce website have all of them.
Let’s start.
Checklist #1: Web Design
The design of any e-commerce website is the first thing that potential customers see when they are searching for any product or service. Therefore, it’s crucial to take care of a website design in the first place.
How A Web Developer Can Help
A web developer can help you to have an e-commerce website that has:
- Attractive & appealing layout.
- Responsive design.
- Appropriate colors.
- Easy-to-navigate menu.
Checklist #2: SEO
An e-commerce without any traffic is worth nothing and we all know that SEO is one of the best sources to get targeted traffic to any website.
It is, therefore, important to ensure that your e-commerce website abide by the SEO norms.
How A Web Developer Can Help
A web developer can help you in optimising your website for search engines in below ways:
- Optimising images for the loading speed and keywords.
- Placing important meta tags in the appropriate places.
- Optimising the loading speed of your website.
- Complying with standard website coding.
- Placing sitemap.xml & robots.txt files appropriately.
Checklist #3: Browser Compatibility
An e-commerce website must run properly on all of the major browsers, in order to serve more customers & get more sales.
Have you ever experienced on a website that looks totally disturbed on some browsers like IE or on some devices? I bet you did.
How A Web Developer Can Help
There are many online tools available to test any website for different browsers. Your website builder can use any of these useful tools and view how your website appears on each browser.
Once diagnosed, your developer or web designer can easily fix this issue.
Checklist #4: Checkout Process
Did you know that more than 30% of the total traffic on any e-commerce website abandon their orders.
This high order abandonment rate could be because of many reasons such as any bug on checkout page, non-functional buttons, limited payment options, hidden charges such as shipping & taxes.
How A Web Developer Can Help
In order to avoid the order abandonment rate on your e-commerce website, your developer can ensure to:
- Have fully-functional checkout process. Check the whole process as much as you can.
- Provide more options for payment gateways, especially most accepted in your targeted region.
- Provide all the necessary information about various surcharge such as shipping costs and taxes.